David Jacob: Author / Creator

Hey, my name is Dave. I wrote this book to demolish the devils work in people's lives, and to bring you closer to Jesus.


Throughout my life, I've beaten addictions and overcome a lot.


It took a lot of work though, and until I met Jesus Christ, I had to rely on my own strength.


I was raised catholic and went to catholic school. I had my own personal relationship with God when I was younger and a basic bible education. But as a young adult, I drifted away into new age practices like crystals, astrology, you name it - I did it and was well versed in it. My life contained drug addiction, buddhism, ayahuasca, many psychedelics, anything and anything to "become more spiritual".


I couldn't overcome my addicitons, nor heal my mind and heart with these practices. It only led to one rabbit hole after another. Continually chasing something new to learn.


I met Jesus Christ and had a supernatural encounter. I wanted to do something for the kingdom of God but I didn't know what. I got the idea for this journal at a church conference. When the name came to me, Overcome Anything with Jesus, I insdtantly felt the Holy Spirit confirm this was an idea sent from God.


So here we are! Let's get crackin. Let's demolish strongholds, and bring you to a full victory in Christ.

Get the journal today.